You can read our submission to the County Development Plan review at this link

The submission is summarised as follows
1. There are significant issues with the Strategic Environmental Report which if left unaddressed will result in an SEA procedure that is unlawful having regard to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. In particular the assessment of alternatives is defective. There are numerous targets for which there are no relevant indicators and conversely there are indicators that are unrelated to targets. Finally the monitoring is seriously deficient.
2. There needs to specific monitoring of significant environmental effects in Julianstown Co Meath. To that end an expert report is presented showing the R132 is almost at its theoretical capacity – therefore specific monitoring of traffic growth is required. Furthermore bearing in mind the purpose of monitoring the traffic growth needs to be monitored annually and should be reported to Louth County Council, TII, the NTA and the Department of Transport Tourism and Sport.
3. The local community in Julianstown is making air quality data available to Meath County Council at little or no cost. This data needs to be monitored in respect of emissions from vehicular traffic and solid fuel burning. The monitoring results should be reported to the EPA and Department of Health.
The full list of submissions is here.