Old Mill interventions need planning permission

Locals in East Meath are all too familiar with the Old Mill saga. The Old Mill is a 17th century Mill, one of the oldest buildings in Julianstown and steeped in history and heritage for the village. It has been derelict since 2007 and the scene of illegal dumping, traveller encampment and other anti-social behaviour. (see here, here, here and here for previous updates)

Under pressure from locals Meath County Council acted in August and issued a notice to the owners of the Old Mill under the Derelict Sites Act to carry out certain works. A concerned local company filed a formal request with the Council asking it to determine if the works required planning permission.

The Council has now made its decision finding that the major works including demolition of parts of the Old Mill and the infilling of openings in the Mill House do require planning permission since they involve material works to protected structures.

The formal declaration is copied below or can be downloaded here.

18.9.2017 S5 Decision