Juliantown and District Community Association today lodged an observation on an appeal to An Bord Pleanála against a decision by Meath County Council to grant planning permission for an Aldi store at Strand Road Laytown.
The observation points out that the new store will cause 4 additional articulated lorry trips on Main Street Julianstown and will draw shoppers from Stamullen and surrounds through the village.
The main points of the observation are:
- The development will lead to an unacceptable increase in the number of articulated HGVs travelling on Julianstown Main Street every morning.
- The traffic impact assessment is inadequate because it does not:
– Consider the impact of the proposed development on the entire transport network
– Identify the catchment area served by the proposed development
– include 5 year and 15 year forecasts as required by guidelines
– take into account the cumulative impact of committed developments and vacant houses. - The impact of the proposed development on passenger car traffic in Julianstown has not been assessed due to the inadequacies in the traffic impact assessment. There is a likelihood that some visitors to the proposed development will drive by car via Julianstown and return on the same route. Since the traffic volumes using the Main Street in Julianstown are significantly greater than the capacity of the street, this increase is unacceptable and permission should be refused.
Here’s a full copy to review and download:
JDCA obs on Aldi – FINAL 6.2.2017
JDCA obs on Aldi - FINAL 6.2.2017