Meath Conservation Officer rubber stamps Laytown mast – says it fits with “industrial landscape” in Laytown

We thought locals would want to see the comments of the Meath Conservation Officer on the proposed 24m mast that is under consideration by An Bord Pleanála. The officer said: “As the station, station masters house, railway line, overhead light industry and track bridge that already exist are inherent industrial structures, I have no objection […]

Details of Inse Bay Mast

Many residents of East Meath will have noticed a telecoms mast that appeared beside the Inse Bay bus stop during the week. It appears that the mast didn’t get planning permission but was licensed by Meath County Council under legislation designed to permit tables and chairs outside restaurants. Unlike planning permission there is no notice […]

Protect East Meath calls for cycling and walking access to proposed Bettystown Library and Community Building

Friday 14 August 2020 is the closing date for public submissions on the library and community building that Meath County Council proposes to build in Bettystown. Protect East Meath made a submissions asking for the facility to be accessible on bicycle and foot from the surrounding villages. You can read our submission here. You can […]

Submission to the County Development Plan Review

You can read our submission to the County Development Plan review at this link The submission is summarised as follows 1. There are significant issues with the Strategic Environmental Report which if left unaddressed will result in an SEA procedure that is unlawful having regard to the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. In particular the […]