Court ruling throws zoning plans into doubt
The National Planning Framework (NPF) is a plan that was agreed by Ireland’s politicians and the public and this legally binding plan now serves as a template for accommodating Ireland’s growing population to the year 2040. This also impacts on land use and zoning. A central goal of the NPF is to ensure the correct […]
The Minister in charge of the NPWS has written to a supporter in relation to ongoing concerns around the protection of the sensitive dune habitats at Mornington. We intend taking him up on the offer to meet onsite on the dunes to discuss our mutual concerns.
In 2014 Meath County Council commissioned a walking and cycling study which resulted in a 200 page report which, as far as we can tell, was never published. The report sat on a shelf for 7 years. Last year, the Council commissioned another report to update the 2014 study to take account of policy changes […]
Protect East Meath has recently lodged an appeal to An Bord Pleanála against the decision of Meath County Council to grant planning permission for a development of 95 units (49 houses and 46 apartments) at Colp. A second appeal from Grange Rath Management Company has also been lodged, the two appeals will be handled together. […]
In a welcome move Meath County Council has written to local sports clubs asking them not to train in the dunes at Mornington and Bettystown. These dunes are highly sensitive habitats protected by EU law and are damaged by use such as walking and sports training.
In the latest in our series we have uploaded the video recording of the Stamullen special planning meeting which took place on 5 and 6 February 2021 You can see all of our videos on our YouTube channel
In the latest in our series we have uploaded the video recording of the Stamullen special planning meeting which took place on 5 and 6 February 2021 You can see all of our videos on our YouTube channel
You can read our submission on the Boyne Greenway which raises issues with the environmental assessment and works that would harm the Boyne Estuary SAC and SPA
This is the third and final part of the meeting dealing with the Southern Environs of Drogheda. The meeting was held on 13 January 2021